Adas Polo - Persian Lentil Rice With Dates And Sultana Garnish

Adas Polo - Persian Lentil Rice With Dates And Sultana Garnish

Jun 15, 2020Gilava Pour

Adas Polo is tasty mixed rice with a deliciously fruity garnish on top. Commonly served with fried mince, Adas Polo is equally if not better served as a vegetarian dish. The layers of rice and lentils are topped with fried onions, dates, and sultanas. We recommend using our Persian Aromatic Spice mix. The spices blend together perfectly with the other ingredients and add to its warmth and depth of flavour.

[Serves 4]

You will need:
1/2 Cup of green lentils

3 Cups of basmati rice

4 Tsp Persian Aromatic Spice

1 large brown onion sliced thinly

1/2 tsp of turmeric powder

3 Tbsp sultanas (optional)

6 Dates (optional)

6 Tbsp olive oil or grape-seed oil

2 tsp of sea salt


1- Wash the rice and lentils together a few times until the water runs clear.

2- Transfer the rice and lentils into a non-stick pot. Then add water up to 2 cm above the rice.

3- Add 2 tsp of salt and 3 tablespoons of olive oil.

4- Cover the pot and bring it to a boil over a medium heat.

5- Add 4 tsp Persian Aromatic Spice and gently stir until the spice is mixed well with the rice.

6- When the rice starts to absorb the water, reduce the heat, wrap the pot lid with a tea towel, and put it back on top of your pot (make sure there is no gap for steam to scape).

7- Cook for another 20 minutes until it is ready to serve.

8- While the rice is cooking, fry the sliced onion until they turn golden brown, then add 1/2 tsp turmeric and fry for another minute. set aside.

9- Rinse sultanas with some boiling water. Slice the dates in half and remove the seeds.

10- Add a teaspoon of oil to a frying pan. Fry the sultanas and dates for 1 minute.

11- Serve the lentil rice in a large platter and garnish with the fried onions, dates, and sultanas.

- Orange zest tastes great with this dish, you can add the orange zest while you are preparing the garnish for rice.
Happy Feasting :)

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