Summer Pear & Walnut Salad w Balsamic Date Vinegar

Summer Pear & Walnut Salad w Date Balsamic Vinegar

Jan 11, 2023Gilava Pour

A simple yet satisfying summer salad. Made with pears, walnuts, nut-free dukkah and a wonderful date vinaigrette using our famous date balsamic vinegar. Did you know date vinegar was reated in Babylon over 5000 years ago and is the oldest recorded vinegar in history?

It's also super healthy, high in iron and potassium and packed with antioxidants. Our Balsamic date vinegar is perfect for salads like this one, or try it on your favourite dips, or even use it for your homemade pickling.


  • 300g Fresh Baby Spinach/Leafy Greens
  • 2 Firm Pears (Sliced)
  • Juice of 1 Lemon
  • 1/2 cup Walnuts (Roughly Chopped)
  • 1/2 cup Crumbed Danish Feta (Optional)
  • 1/4 Cup Seeded Dates
  • 4 tbsp Date vinegar
  • 2 tsp Exotic Bazaar Dukkah
  • 4 tbsp olive oil

1 - Place the spinach/leaves, walnuts, dates and feta in a large salad bowl.

2 - Mix olive oil, Date Vinegar, and Dukkah in a separate bowl and whisk to get a vinaigrette consistency.

3 - Slice the pears and dip each slice in lemon juice to prevent from browning.

4 - Drizzle date vinaigrette on top just before serving.

Watch along with Gila to create this recipe:

Balsamic Date Vinegar

Balsamic Date Vinegar

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