Egg Replacement for Persian Love Cake

Egg-cellent Egg Replacements for Your Baking Adventures

Oct 04, 2023Gilava Pour

Baking is like a sweet symphony of flavours, but when allergies or dietary preferences strike, those pesky eggs can really throw off the harmony. Fear not, fellow bakers, because thanks mainly to the advice received in the Persian Love Cake Club group we're about to embark on a journey to discover the egg-cellent world of egg replacements! These magical ingredients can give your baked goodies the same love and fluffiness without a single egg in sight.

Matching Egg Replacements to Your Recipe:

The first thing to note here is that while egg replacements can work wonders in various baking recipes, it's essential to choose the right ingredient that won't overpower the flavours of your dish. Our suggested ingredients below have their own unique characteristics, and some pair better with certain flavours and recipes than others. Nevertheless here's Exotic Bazaar's trusted guide to help you on your baking adventure:

Exotic Bazaar Baking Ingredients

1. Unsweetened Applesauce – The Moisture Magician:

First up, the unsung hero of egg replacements – unsweetened applesauce! Swap out one egg for 1/4 cup of this fruity goodness, and you're in for a moist, delectable treat. Applesauce not only adds moisture but also brings a hint of apple-flavored pizzazz to your muffins, cakes, and quick breads.


2. Mashed Bananas – A Potassium-Packed Alternative:

Let's go bananas for our next egg replacement! Mash up a ripe banana (1/4 cup) and watch it transform your recipes into something extraordinary. Bananas are not only a great egg substitute but also add a touch of natural sweetness that pairs beautifully with cinnamon, nutmeg, and all things cozy. Take a look at our recipe using mashed bananas for the vegan version of the Persian Love Cupcakee

3. Silken Tofu – The Creamy Wonder:

Silken tofu is like the mysterious magician of the egg replacement world. Blend 1/4 cup of this tofu into a smooth, creamy concoction, and it's ready to star in recipes like brownies, cheesecakes, and luscious pies. You won't even miss the eggs!

4. Yogurt – Dairy or Plant-Based Delight:

Yogurt, whether dairy or plant-based, is a trusty sidekick in your baking adventures. Substituting one egg with 1/4 cup of yogurt is a surefire way to infuse moisture and enhance leavening. It's like a warm hug for your muffins, pancakes, and waffles.

5. Buttermilk – Tangy and Terrific:

Buttermilk steps into the spotlight for recipes that need a tangy twist. Replace one egg with 1/4 cup of buttermilk, and you'll witness the magic of its acidity activating baking soda, causing your biscuits, pancakes, and scones to rise to the occasion.


6. Aquafaba – The Chickpea's Secret:

Ever heard of aquafaba? It's the liquid gold hidden in your chickpea can. Swap one egg for 3 tablespoons of aquafaba, whip it into stiff peaks, and you've got yourself a perfect egg replacement for meringues and macarons. Chickpea can do!

7. Chia Seeds - The Superfood Swirl:

Get ready to harness the power of chia seeds, those tiny titans of nutrition! To replace one egg, mix 1 tablespoon of chia seeds with 2.5 tablespoons of water. Let this dynamic duo sit for about 5-10 minutes until it thickens into a gel-like superhero. This chia seed gel is your sidekick for recipes like muffins, cookies, and pancakes. Not only do chia seeds mimic the binding abilities of eggs, but they also bring a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein to your baked creations.

Chia Seeds

8. Flax Seeds - The Fiber Force:

Next up, let's meet the fiber-packed dynamo - flax seeds! Grind 1 tablespoon of flax seeds into a fine meal (a coffee grinder or food processor works wonders). Mix the ground flax seeds with 2.5 tablespoons of water, let it sit for 5-10 minutes, and voilà - you've got yourself a flaxseed gel ready to replace one egg. This mighty gel works wonders in muffins, bread, and pancakes. Not only does it provide the binding power you need, but it also brings a healthy dose of fiber and healthy fats to the baking table.

Using Egg Replacers in Our Persian Love Cake Baking Kits:

Persian Love Cupcakes

Do you love our Persian Love Cake baking kits? Well, here's some fantastic news! You can use these egg replacement methods in our kits, and they go particularly well with our Love Cupcakes. While all the egg substitutes work like a charm, we recommend the mashed banana method for a delightful twist. However, if you prefer to experiment, the flax seed and chia seed ingredients can also be your baking allies.

Check out the Vegan version of the Persian Love Cake Here


Now that you've unlocked the secrets of egg replacements and their compatibility with our Persian Love Cake baking kits, it's time to embark on your egg-less baking adventures. Embrace the flexibility and creativity that these substitutes offer, and don't be afraid to experiment. Whether you're a vegan, have egg allergies, or just want to explore healthier options, these egg replacements have your back. So, put on your apron, grab your mixing bowls, and let the baking magic begin!

Happy baking 😊👩‍🍳

The Persian Love Cake Baking Kit

Persian Love Cake

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